Friday, April 23, 2010

Loud mouth kids

Anyone with kids or who has been around kids for more than 12 hours will know that they have one volume on their voice box.  Why is that?  There is no mute button and even if someone finds the knob to turn down the sound, it's right back up to a decibel level that has been proven to cause hearing loss in lab rats!  
Our son Slayt is constantly being told to be quiet, or use his indoor voice.  I'm pretty sure he wasn't given an indoor voice when he was made.  I think I'm going to have to address that with God when I get to Heaven.  Slayt can be two feet away and still feel the need to shout like he is standing next to a Nascar revving it's engine.  It's always a crap shoot whether or not he will be able to contain himself when he is required to remain quiet for more than 3 minutes, and inevitably,he blurts out something with the force of a trumpet right when the last Amen has been said......
He isn't the only one in our family who talks loud.  Daniel might possibly be even louder and more unpredictable than Slayt.  With Dan, you never know what he will say, and no matter how hard you try to cover his mouth, he gets it out somehow.  It's like a ventriloquist!  I'm like, how the heck did they just come out? I've got my hand clamped over his trap with the force of 15 suction cups and still his voice is heard!  UGH!  I need to go visit a lady whose husband died recently and I'm wanting to take the kids but I'm fearful about what Danny is going to say.  You see, the man was probably not on God's favorite person list and the kids know that..... Danny is recently fixated on Heaven and Hell and who goes where.  He has said to me on more than one occasion that people who don't love God go to hell....  SO, all I can picture is that we would walk in the door and Danny would announce with all authority that this poor lady's  husband was now in hell!  Oy VEY!   
I'll save the story about Danny calling 911 in the car and needing to convince the operator on the other end that we were fine and not being car-jacked...... all while I had 3 screaming kids in the car for another time.
I suppose I could blame all of this on their older brother Jake.  He is the oldest loud speaker in our family so I'm sure it's hereditary and they got it from him.....  When he was younger he always talked loud.  Now that he is older, he can be quiet SOMETIMES but usually he just doesn't shut up!  Driving in the car is quite the experience also.  I've almost wrecked the car on more than one occasion because i've been laughing so hard at him that I can't see the road.  If you are ever driving by a car and there is a guy in it making weird facial expressions or shaking his groove thing, then it's probably Jake.   We have driven by numerous truckers and given them a show on wheels.  The booty shake, the chest pumps, the wink and tongue lick over the teeth are big for Jake.   It's like a traveling circus in my car.    

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