Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pretty soon I'll be singing the Wedding day anthem in my head 24/7.    Why? you ask?  Because #2 is getting married.  Yes, that's right, my second oldest son, Jake is getting married to Manda!  I'm mixed with excitement and nervousness.  Mostly excitement.  She is one of the greatest people I know and she has fit in to our family and become apart of our family so easily.   Manda is also the second oldest in her family as well and she has three younger siblings so she knows how crazy it can get so maybe that is why she  seems so layed back.  Either way, she is pretty great. 
I'm slightly nervous, because, well, I just know that marriage is hard and I wish I could wave a magic wand and make things really easy for them.   I wish I could pay off his student loan debt so they could start out free and clear, I wish I could buy them all the furniture they will need to set up an apartment...... but I can't.... and even if I could it probably wouldn't be wise.  I'm sure they will learn to handle things and manage their finances just fine without dear ol mom butting her nose in.... 
It really is funny how things change when someone finds the person they are meant to be with.  
Jake was always my kid who was NEVER going to get married.  NEVER have kids and until a couple years ago I thought he probably would stick to that.  Then Manda came along and VOILA!  She melted his heart and in a matter of 7 months he is engaged!  Who'da thunk it?    
Now my biggest problem will be to try not to become a hovering mother-in-law that trys to take over......  control freakishness is one of my downfalls so I will need lots of prayer. =)

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